Last Updated: 12/02/2019

Med-Stop Help / Understanding Med-Stop system

Advantages to using Med-Stop WebClient

Ability to scan directly into the system
Ability to use Breath Alcohol Testing software
Printing out directly onto a connected printer without checking settings each time
You can literally make a drug or a medical test in a matter of minutes resulting in higher customer satisfaction as well as the ability to process more customers.

Med-Stop WebClient is a software that serves as a shell around a browser that facilitates functions like scanning, uploading, authorization and printing transparent to a regular user. It has to be installed and configured for initial use and while there is certainly assistance required from the Med-Stop call center, later it serves as a great help when it comes to performing a variety of tasks.


In writing this manual, I had to make a few assumptions about you, dear reader. I assume that you know how to use Windows and understand the elements of computing in general (the various ways to use a mouse, how to navigate menus, and so on). 

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