Last Updated: 05/28/2023

DOT Rules and Regulations / Part 40: Drug and Alcohol Regulations / Appendix B to Part 40 - DOT Drug Testing Semi-Annual Laboratory Report

Appendix B to Part 40—DOT Drug-Testing Semi-Annual Laboratory Report to Employers

The following items are required on each laboratory report:

Reporting Period: (inclusive dates)

Laboratory Identification: (name and address)

Employer Identification: (name; may include Billing Code or ID code)

C/TPA Identification: (where applicable; name and address)

1. Specimen Results Reported (total number)

By Test Reason

(a) Pre-employment (number)

(b) Post-Accident (number)

(c) Random (number)

(d) Reasonable Suspicion/Cause (number)

(e) Return-to-Duty (number)

(f) Follow-up (number)

(g) Type of Test Not Noted on CCF (number)

2. Specimens Reported

(a) Negative (number)

(b) Negative and Dilute (number)

3. Specimens Reported as Rejected for Testing (total number)

By Reason

(a) Fatal flaw (number)

(b) Uncorrected Flaw (number)

4. Specimens Reported as Positive (total number) By Drug

(a) Marijuana Metabolite (number)

(b) Cocaine Metabolite (number)

(c) Opioids (number)

(1) Codeine (number)

(2) Morphine (number)

(3) 6–AM (number)

(4) Hydrocodone (number)

(5) Hydromorphone (number)

(6) Oxycodone (number)

(7) Oxymorphone (number)

(d) Phencyclidine (number)

(e) Amphetamines (number)

(1) Amphetamine (number)

(2) Methamphetamine (number)

(3) MDMA (number)

(4) MDA (number)

5. Adulterated (number)

6. Substituted (number)

7. Invalid Result (number)

[82 FR 52247, Nov. 13, 2017]

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